How to Choose a Swimming Pool Contractor

So, you want a pool? That is a great decision, but now you have another to make. Who will install it? The contractor you choose will determine the quality of the pool, its longevity, how well it will hold up, how much pool repair will be needed and how happy you will be with its overall look and feel.

First, know this…  you are going to receive varying estimates from different contractors based on their experience in the industry and, honestly, how good they are at their job. Don’t trust a contractor who gives you a rock-bottom price. Chances are, he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, or worse, he’ll hit you with surprise charges along the way. Don’t let a contractor charge you by the hour either. For this job, you want a flat rate. Period. You want someone who can give you plans that are drawn to your specifications, including landscaping that may be involved. You do not want a contractor who tells you what you want to hear just to make you happy. And you don’t want someone who can’t answer ALL of your questions.

pool with view

When a contractor installs a pool and/or Jacuzzi for you, a lot of planning goes into the process. Educate yourself on the process.  Aside from planning, there are costs involved in installing your new pool. For example, there is the cost of steel and concrete. Prices can vary according to the time of year or demand for these base products. There is also insurance that the contractor has to build into his estimate and costs to respond to zoning requirements and licenses to install the pool. A good contractor will know this. He will be able to explain line item by line item the costs involved in installing your pool.

It’s truly best to choose a contractor who has a good – no, strike that – a GREAT reputation in his industry for installing pools, Jacuzzis, courtyards, ponds, fountains and water features. Ask to see references. Ask to see before and after pictures. Ask if you can visit some of the pools the contractor has created. A good contractor can point you to these resources. Why? Because his customers will want you to come by and see his work!

One final thing to consider is how professional the contractor is. How does he look when he arrives at your door? How courteous did he or his receptionist answer the phone when you called to schedule the estimate? Is he on time for the appointment? What is his attitude toward you? Is it courteous and respectful? These are cues of tremendous importance, because these traits can carry over to the installation process.

Hire a clean, professional, well-spoken contractor who presents you with a good plan and you will most likely have a contractor who will be respectful when installing your pool. You’ll have someone who will clean up after himself in the process, too. And he’ll have a crew who holds the same ethics.

Schedule your free pool consultation. Call us at 949 459-8798.